Sunday, February 8, 2009

Why do we wait till it is too late...

My cute little Grandma Kari Folkerson has been in a care center for quite a few years. Unfortunaly I can count on one hand how many times I have gone to visit her while she has been there fortunatly she has been well enough to be able to come to most of our family get togethers so we get to see her there. I have many great memories of Grandma and all her fun norwegian ways. Unfortunalty she has recently fallen more ill and has infection growing throughout her body and is not expected to be here a whole lot longer. I just wish wish wish that I would have been better at going and visiting her. With that said after the blessing today we went and visited her. She was in good spirits and was happy but looked tired and has lost a lot of weight since Christmas. We visited and she played with Braxy and sang her famous norweigian song she sings to the babies and the only part I have ever been able to remember is woof woof woof woof! Grandma we love you so much and I am so sorry I have not been better at coming to visit you!!!

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