Wednesday, February 11, 2009

5 Months old...

I can not believe that Braxy is five months. Not only does that mean that he is getting bigger it especially means that we only have one more month to go!!! We have our court date set for Finalization of the Adoption we have our temple date set to be sealed as a family and of course a blessing day set!!!
Some of the new things Braxy is doing is he is now eating Solids two times a day He loves cereal and fruit and of course Sweet Potatoes. He is rolling all over the place and is sitting up with a little bit of support. He is sleeping a lot less now during the day and loves to play in his saucer, Jump in his jumperoo or just lay on the floor and play with his toys. He will be going to the Dr next week for his four month check up a month late since Brooks was out of a job an we had no insurance. I will give a weight and measurement update at that time!


Jeanene said...

My gosh! You are such a good blogger! I'm lucky to get one on a month! Braxton is soooo cute! I can't believe he is already 5 months old. I need to see him again (and you too)!

Misty said...

How exciting! He is sooo cute! We are so happy for you guys!

Meg and Brad said...

We're happy for you guys to! It's so exciting - and you are an excellent blogger. I - am not.

Raquel said...

He's only 5 months old and he already knows how to play it up for the camera. =) He's a cutie!