Sunday, September 14, 2008

Visit with Grandma Toodie and First Bath

This weekend was a busy one. Brooks went to the cabin with his dad to help with some things up there. Braxton and I decided to stay home and my mom came out on Friday night and we had scott and Aubrey bring Macie over cause she has been not sleping and crying alot therefore they have not been sleeping so we had them bring her over so we could take her for the night and they could get some sleep. Well she has acid reflux they found out at the dr on friday so they gave her some medication for that and then we also changed her formula and she is doing a lot better and was really good friday night while we had her. Saturday we all just hung out and relaxed and tried to catch up on some sleep then today My stepmom from Las Vegas came into town just to see the new babies so we went out to my Aunts house and visited. We had a lot of fun it was good to see her and dolly and spend time together. Tonight when we got home I was changing Braxys diaper and yeah his cord finally came off so i told Brooks to get the tub ready we are having a real bath tonight. Hoping that Braxy would love bath time as much as his cousin Macie we put him in and out came the screams and cries. He did not like bath time but it was cute none the less. Here are some pics from the weekend.
i am sorry i dont know why some of my pics download sideways or how to fix it so if you have any suggestions on how to fix that i welcome them!


The Teeples Times said...

So, so cute! Don't worry, Ethan & Gavin hated their first baths, but LOVE the tub now!

@mie said...

Right click on your pic saved on your computer and it will give you the option to rotate clockwise or counter clockwise!

Tyler and Karly said...

Hi Mandy

It's Karly. Congratulations on your new little one! My mom gave me an update but I don't have your number. Just wanted to say hello and how happy I am for you and Brooks!

Leigh said...

So i'm a little late...but i have been thinking about you guys, and i want to send a huge Congratulations on your baby boy! I'm so happy for the two of you! He is beautiful! I miss you guys, i'm hoping that i can come visit in October...not sure if we are yet. Dr. says i have to stop every hour if i do...doesn't sound like fun for a 9 hour drive. But i'm hoping that we will be able to visit. Give your boy kisses for me.

Threegirlsandalittleman said...

congrates again, he is too cute!

Unknown said...

I miss my new cousin or is it great cousin? I am glad all is going well. We do not get on much, but love keeping up with things. We miss our family there. We don't feel like we are part anymore. Love and miss you! Kenz