Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Eve

On Christmas eve we had our traditional Norwegian Christmas party. We had lots of yummy Norwegian food such as Korv (sausage) Pork, Cabbage and other yummy things. Then for dessert we always have RiceCream with Danish Dessert on it and if you are lucky you get the one with the almond and win a Marzipan Pig and Guess What I got one of the almonds this year!!! Then after we eat we go downstairs to dance around the Christmas tree and wait for the Ulenessen to come (The Norwegian Santa) He hands out presents to all of the unmarried kids and takes pictures. This a such a fun night that we all look forward too every year it was especially fun this year with our little boy. Yes we dressed him like Santa and Macie had to have a Santa dress. When we were taking their pics braxton kept turning his head to what it looked like kiss macie. It was very cute.

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