The Story of our life and our Heaven Sent Angel Boy
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Heavy Pukin Carving
"Heavy Punkin Mom Heavy Punkin" is what Brax says whenever he sees a pumpkin. So tonight we took Our "Heavy Punkins" to the Grimsteads to Carve them. It was a lot of fun we spread newspaper on the floor and spread out and carved. I helped braxy do his and brooks cut opened and gutted one other pumpkin that I will carve sometime this week. Braxy loves his lil girlfriends Jentry and Hayley and had fun helping them gut and draw on their pumpkins!
Brooks and I have been married a little over 8 years. It has been a ride full of adventures, some great and some not so great but we stick through them together! We have been blessed with a beautiful son who just turned 2 and he brings all the happiness into our lives and home. We have 2 kitties Jasmine and Tiger. We dont know what the future will hold but we are excited for the ride!
that's a super cute flower in your hair!
Cute post. It looks like there wasn't a huge mess. I hope they punkins survive until Halloween.
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