"Heavy Punkin Mom Heavy Punkin" is what Brax says whenever he sees a pumpkin. So tonight we took Our "Heavy Punkins" to the Grimsteads to Carve them. It was a lot of fun we spread newspaper on the floor and spread out and carved. I helped braxy do his and brooks cut opened and gutted one other pumpkin that I will carve sometime this week. Braxy loves his lil girlfriends Jentry and Hayley and had fun helping them gut and draw on their pumpkins!
This last weekend My dad and Stepmom were here for a visit. It was a short, way to short visit but none the less it was great to see them. Sunday night we went to the Channel 4 news station and watched my brother work. It was pretty cool and Brax had run of the News set for a little bit before the news started.
Last Tuesday our neigbors the Hunters had us over for a Kids Movie night We watched How to Train your Dragon. It was so much fun. All the kids had a blast together and Jen and Chris were great Hosts. They had little treat bags for the kids and popcorn and Drinks for the adults. We decided we needed to make it a monthly activity. We are definatly looking forward to the next one!
These past few weeks I Have been feeling Crafty! My friend and I got together last weekend and made these cute canisters, Halloween plates and mummies. I have been working on some baby gifts as well that I finished up today. Made some of the BEST burp cloths and cute Car Seat covers. My friend I am making them for is a huge BYU fan and her Husband is a Huge U of U fan so you can see I did a BYU/UTAH one HOWEVER I put the ribbon on the Utah side so she will have to use that side! (Brice you can thank me later) I am sure there will be more crafts to come!
Last weekend we took Brax to Build a Bear. He made a cute lil dog named Remington. We dressed him in a Utah Jazz outfit however Brax prefers him undressed.
A few weeks ago mom and I were up to our elbows is Salsa! It is Delish we have since also made Spaghetti Sauce and bottled it. I am grateful to have such a great mom that teaches and does all these things with me. Thanks Mommy!
Brooks and I have been married a little over 8 years. It has been a ride full of adventures, some great and some not so great but we stick through them together! We have been blessed with a beautiful son who just turned 2 and he brings all the happiness into our lives and home. We have 2 kitties Jasmine and Tiger. We dont know what the future will hold but we are excited for the ride!