Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Braxy's First Easter Cont...

On Sunday when Braxy woke up we took him down to his Easter pile the Easter bunny Left him. We weren't going to have the Easter Bunny visit this year because he does not understand what id going on yet but then we decided we better have him come since this is his first Easter and he may be our only child so why not Live it up!!! Braxy got a couple of summer outfits, some Sunglasses that he absolutely loves and does not take off or even touch, Some treats and a few toys.
Sunday afternoon we headed over to my moms for lunch. My mom always does such a nice job her table was beautiful and the food was Excellent. I had the most fun Watching her with her Grand babies. She was in her glory giving them their Easter Baskets and playing with them. Braxy got some PJ's from grandma and a book and a toy and Uncle Scott got braxy the cutest Truck Easter basket that talks and some books and a Froggy. It was even more special that Grandma Lucy was there with us she had fun just watching the babies and Visiting! After we left my moms we went to the Beatties where we had yummy turkey dinner and an Easter egg hunt. It was such a fun Holiday and Braxy had so much fun he fell asleep on the way home from Grandma and Grandpas and did not wake back up till Monday morning!

1 comment:

Misty said...

I love the pics! I can't believe he leaves the sunglasses on! What a stud! It looks like you guys had lots of fun!