Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas Morn

Well Santa made it to our house. We got up at about 730 and got ready for the day soon after we were ready Brax woke up and was ready to see what all the commotion was about. I was in the living room with the camera while Brooks got Brax out of bed. Braxton walks out and heads right to his New 4 Wheeler Santa left him He could care less about the 17 horses and barn all set out on the floor or the Huge Chuck the Talking truck stunt set that santa scored for $0.79 it was all about the 4 wheeler he started driving it around right away. Brooks and I decided to not do a lot for eachother this year which was great we did stockings and a few little things and that was it. When we were done opening presents grandma and grandpa Beattie and Grandma and Grandpa Hadlow came over to see what Braxy got. After they left we headed to my moms.

My brother was so excited for the kids on Christmas Morning. He helped My mom do the shopping this year and they were SPOILED. They didnt know what to do with all their new fun stuff (most of which gets to stay at grandmas because they are there often) After the kids played a while we had a yummy lunch of ham and potatoes of course and then we watched a movie together. It was so nice to just relax all afternoon.

around 4 we packed up and headed to Brooks's parents for the evening. When we got there Papa Beattie had his horse and carriage hooked up so Brax got to go for a ride which I am sure was the highlight of his evening. Then we all had dinner and gathered in the Living room.
This year Lane talked to the kids about the true meaning of Christmas and about the Christmas Story. It was nice to have a little reminder of what it is really all about. After that we all opened our gifts this year they gave all the families passes to Lagoon. We opted out of Lagoon becuase we thought brax may still be a little too young so we got Cherry Hill Passes which I am very Excited about! All in all it was a Great Christmas Busy and I was beat by the end of the day but Christmas is SO much fun with a child!


Sydney said...

Okay, who in the world gets dressed before opening presents on Christmas morning? You guys are way too organized and put together!

janette said...

I haven't told you lately, but I think you are an amazing lady. I love the magic that you make for your little man! You are a really darling mommy!

Misty said...

I love the pics! I am so glad you guys had a nice Christmas! Take care!