Monday, March 15, 2010

Teething? Thrush? Ear Infection? Nope Nope and Nope

How many other options are there? Oh wait we forgot Herpes! Yep our poor little Braxy has been diagnosed with Herpes. He has blisters all in his mouth and down his throat and he is MISERABLE. Fortunatly Brooks and I have already had our breakout and wont be getting it again. I broke out with them when i was a little kid and every so often still suffer with a cold sore. Brooks was lucky enough to break out with them 2 weeks after we were married. I had developed a cold sore during our wedding and from us kissing he was lucky enough to get the virus. He was so sick and all I could think was "am i going to be able to live with this "baby" for eternity!" cause he was miserable. We joke still to this day that I gave him the gift that keeps on giving for our wedding. So anyway I am rambling on. That is what is new at the Beattie house. Hopefully we can get through this and catch up on our sleep and be well for the spring and summer. I will catch up on my posts as soon as I catch up on some sleep!

1 comment:

Jamie Hadlow said...

Oh, poor kid! I hope he's feeling better. That sounds so miserable for Mommy and Braxton.