This last Saturday we headed down to Pleasant Grove to the Questar Gas Rodeo. I will tell you I did not know what to expect and was quite impressed. There were about 8 teams of 4 ppl from different Questar offices. The had to do things like back up a truck with a backhoe on it without knocking over the cones, had a spoon on the end of a backhoe digger and they had to pick up an egg and drop it into a pipe they also had to block of a gas pipe. It was fun to watch and have free lunch and meet the great guys that Brooks gets to work with everyday! And even better one of the Ogden teams won and they are heading to St Louis to the national rodeo for the second time in a row!
Mama is Grandma and Mommy is me! It is apparent that Brax LOVES His Mama and his Papa Folkerson! He Loves his thursday nights when he spends the night with them while brooks and i go to work on friday. He also has to call MAMA every night to tell her Night Night! These two will always have a special bond. Thanks mom for all you do for us and our little guy!
The first of the month Brooks and I sat down and talked about the annual Beattie Family trip to Yellowstone. We had decided that due to finances we would pass on the trip this year. I was sad but we thought it was the best decision for us. We decided to still keep our days off and were going to just go to the cabin. Well Wednesday night Brooks's dad called and said we really want you guys to be with us on this trip. We talked over it again and decided we could make it work and we are so glad we did. We had a good time. Braxy had so much fun seeing the Bullos (buffalos) the Bears, elk and deer. We spent 2 days in Yellowstone park and then on Sunday we headed to Idaho Falls for the night We got up Monday morning and went swimming then Brooks parents treated us to Shrek 3 in 3d which was very cute then lunch then headed to Bear world which is a favorite of everyones. All in all it was a great time. I was very sad I was not able to go to the cemetaries with my mom especially to visit Grandma lucy but She understood! The boys picked me up at work on Friday and we were on our way! There were lots of Cute baby Buffalo 45 minutes into the park when we got there Friday we came upon a bear and her 2 cubs, they were so cute running around and playing. h Braxy had fun having all of his cousins around especially his little buddy Luke Our usual stop our of town to feed the fish at Big Springs. The fish were not hungry I think they had been fed all day long! Swimming at the hotel in Idaho Falls Bear World Braxy Played hard all weekend and Crashed on the way home!
Brooks and I have been married a little over 8 years. It has been a ride full of adventures, some great and some not so great but we stick through them together! We have been blessed with a beautiful son who just turned 2 and he brings all the happiness into our lives and home. We have 2 kitties Jasmine and Tiger. We dont know what the future will hold but we are excited for the ride!